I have been working on all the new feet and stitches and I have a ways to go and explore but WOW!!! is this thing awesome.
I did finish a pillow from the panel Sue gave me from our Valentine Swap. Isn't it just fittin'.
The reverse side.
When I went out shop hopping and to the Quilt Show with Regina, which we had a great time being absolutely consumed with fabric and quilts, we came upon a charity from the church the show was at that wanted donated baby quilts for HIV/AIDS babies all over the world and prayer shawls for people in need of prayer. Regina wrote a note and took a shawl for her mom. I was so touched by this that I am consumed with the idea of making the shawls. So I began mine to donate and it is almost finished. Hugs and Prayers to Regina and her mom...
I love to crochet but it usually has to be for someone; this way I enjoy it more and it so relaxes me.
I also finished the top to the 3 6 9 quilt pattern.
I had bought a green apple fabric with a white flower scrolled all over. When I opened it I was like "oh no" this so will not do. I hung it up and looked at it and looked at it saying "I'm going to have to send this back". Regina and Cathy said it was too bright and gaudy. I ended up finding this green here (small border) to go when I went shopping with Regina. It is Tidings, a Christmas line but the color green worked well with the larger border. Now to go sandwich it up and try out the machine quilting on the new play toy in the sewing room.
I am so trying to find a name for my new friend.... cant put my finger on it though. I have been playing around with my grandma's name which is Evelyn but it needs to be more playful .... Eevie. I do not think she would like the nickname off her name though but I'm not sure if she would ever really know since it is more a personal- to-me thing.... ???