Thursday, September 23, 2010


.... this is what I feel like lately; MIA, missing in action. The kids are back in school, I still have no job to fill up my days, and the full moon, I think, is making me "moony" as we call it in Southern Maryland. (another word for goofy or off kilter)  In between all of this chaos that is going on in my pretty little head, my new Janome 6600P was delivered. Poooor box. The box didn't look to good; luckily it was packed with the hard styrofoam stuff and is absolutely perfect.

 I have been working on all the new feet and stitches and I have a ways to go and explore but WOW!!! is this thing awesome. 

I did finish a pillow from the panel Sue gave me from our Valentine Swap. Isn't it just fittin'.

The reverse side.

When I went out shop hopping and to the Quilt Show with Regina, which we had a great time being absolutely consumed with fabric and quilts, we came upon a charity from the church the show was at that wanted donated baby quilts for HIV/AIDS babies all over the world and prayer shawls for people in need of prayer. Regina wrote a note and took a shawl for her mom. I was so touched by this that I am consumed with the idea of making the shawls. So I began mine to donate and it is almost finished. Hugs and Prayers to Regina and her mom... 

I love to crochet but it usually has to be for someone; this way I enjoy it more and it so relaxes me.

I also finished the top to the 3 6 9 quilt pattern. 

I had bought a green apple fabric with a white flower scrolled all over. When I opened it I was like "oh no" this so will not do. I hung it up and looked at it and looked at it saying "I'm going to have to send this back". Regina and Cathy said it was too bright and gaudy. I ended up finding this green here (small border) to go when I went shopping with Regina. It is Tidings, a Christmas line but the color green worked well with the larger border. Now to go sandwich it up and try out the machine quilting on the new play toy in the sewing room. 
I am so trying to find a name for my new friend....  cant put my finger on it though. I have been playing around with my grandma's name which is Evelyn but it needs to be more playful ....  Eevie. I do not think she would like the nickname off her name though but I'm not sure if she would ever really know since it is more a personal- to-me  thing.... ???

Monday, September 20, 2010

Quilt Times Giveaway!!!

Pop on over to Quilt Times and see the book Sue is GIVING away....  Yep! A Christmas book with tons of wonderful projects then you could also be prepared to join us for next months Christmas Quiltalong.

Friday, September 17, 2010

A 100th Post Giveaway !

Happy 100th Post! over at Red Quilts ! Isn't that exciting. So head on over and you may win a pin cushion, quilt book, or fabric. Hooray!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Sunshine Award

Reenie over at A Quilt Complex awarded me with the Sunshine Award. Wow. I didn't see this coming! How thoughtful and sweet! 

When awarded you are to pass it along to the blogs you enjoy reading and follow. The blogs I choose will have to pick their 12 blogs for the Sunshine Award.

I have adventured into a Christmas Quiltalong through Reenie and Gina at Quilt Times by Sue.  I truly love the projects, quilts and comradery these ladies have shared just in our short amount of time together. Visit each other and see what they are working on.

I have email each of you a note. (sorry some emails are not working. I dont know why so if you see your name here please enjoy and pass the sunshine)

Here is my list:

1. Quilt Times
2. Leona's Quilting Adventure (do not have an email for)
3. Shakerwood Quilts
4. Brush Creek Creations
5. Oak Tree Quilts
6. Tudy's Craft Cupboard ?email
7. Soggiebottom
8. Jaytee's Patchwork Place
9. Tracey Pereira dot com
10. Needle, Thread, Happiness
11. Zany Quilter
12. Crafty Maine Mom

All these are very unique blogs; I love them all.  Enjoy! and Congratulations!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Christmas Quiltalong update *snowman has nose and arms*

I couldn't get on the computer at 11:30pm when I stopped. I finished the checker board top. I will complete it today and a snowman. He needs arms and a nose.  I will get outside and pick up some twigs for them. I plan to cook the nose....  polymer clay stuff.

Isn't he the cutest!  *giggle*
I do need to get the pellets for the base. The rice I used just is not heavy enough. It works but not like I want it to sit.

I did fan out my gathering from the fabric sale. Here it is......

A lot got into that plastic bag. Here it is in a pile...

and the notions......

I found rick rack for the gingerbread house, anything new or packaged I grabbed, thread, pin case, templates, bag of cut out squares, part of a pattern cut out and the pattern: just stuff.

So there you have it. I still need to cut out for the snowman wallhanging.....
See you next month Sue and gang.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Christmas Quilt Along

I started in late....  Well I had to go get a bag of fabric for $10. Yep, and it is stuffed. That was so much fun. I will sort it out later. Im not even certain what is all in there.....
Then I was off to Craft n Bits; I love those lady's that work there. I bought two planters or pots, a green glass bowl, blue/yellow berry swag and Christmas fabric. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Now today is our Christmas Quilt Along. I joined cause I cant let Reenie and Gina have all the fun. If you would like to join us next time it is over at Quilt Times with Sue. She has patterns, cookie recipes and a puzzle going that I am getting a ton of words down. I just cant stop doing it.

Anyway here is what I am working on probably after everyone else has called it a day. Granted I just started at 4:30 maybe.
This is a checkers game. Im putting the rows together now.

I want to do the snowmen and the wallhanging. Maybe a snowman tonight and cut out the fabric for the wallhanging.

So it is 7pm now and that is what I have so far.  Maybe later I will sort out the bag and take a picture.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Mail's Here!

In the mail this morning, I unexpectedly received my package today from Gina. What a doll! She made me a table runner to match the colors in my kitchen and it is PERFECT!!! Thank you Love.

She made me the table runner in exchange for the fuzzy flip flops I made her and Gemma in time for their vacation.

Gina also threw in some extras. I love the magazines, scrub and CHOCOLATE!!!

You made this so quickly and the design is very pretty. I absolutely love the fmq on the table runner. Very nicely done.

Thank you!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

While in Maryland

While I was in Maryland, I did finish the binding on the two quilts I took to do; the pinwheel and Home Pride. Mia loves a soft quilt to lay on.

I went to Material Girls Quilt Shop. You need to bring the big wallet with you here. They have every new fabric there is and it is a big shop. I bought a couple of fat quarters to do a purse with - when I find the pattern and handles and a 1/2 yd of flannel that goes with the flannel I bought at Betty's sale.

On Sunday I went out with my cousin, Christina, to the Savage Mill where there is an assortment of shops.  We went to the antique shops, art furniture, Christmas shop, stamp shop, and the quilt store.
I found this pattern I absolutely fell in love with. It is a yoyo gingerbread house. There was also a haunted house which I really liked but at $10 a pattern I said only one. The snowmen, reindeer, candies, snowflakes and trees are yoyos.

This is my Aunt Sharon, mom's sister. I was asked by Grandma to give her this painting she did since she could not come up for a visit. It is of Aunt Sharon on a Zip Line on her cruise "Having fun"! She was so surprised and loved it. 
She also dropped off these quilting and crocheting books for me to have since she does not do much crafty stuff anymore.

Saturday we took Eric back to UB and he has started his classes. Madi is set with schedules and dance. She had her senior pictures taken yesterday.  And, I started my 369 quilt with 15/24 blocks complete.

I can't wait to see it all together.

Maybe things will slow down a bit..... ya right.
