Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Madi's quilt: Baby Honu


 I used a brown tone on tone binding and the fabric on the back is my favorite. It is the yardage bought at the Hobby Lobby adventure with Regina. It is green with a brown, blue, and green leaf swirl just the perfect color. Madi actually sleeps with this turtle quilt.  I love that!!



  1. The most rewarding part of a quilt is to see the recipient cuddled and snuggled in it!! doesn't it just make your heart swell?

    the brown binding was a perfect choice! I love a "freme" effect with the binding, and the blue would have blended too much,,,brown is just right!

  2. It's lovely. I'm not surprised that Madi sleeps with it

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  3. Great Job! I love that pattern.

  4. It looks great!! Now I need to finish mine!
